Identity & Self-Love

Fiyero and Elphaba Facing Each Other Holding Hands and Singing

Don’t dream too far. Don’t lose sight of who you are. Don’t remember that rush of joy. He could be that boy. I’m not that girl.


1: the distinguishing character or personality of an individual
2: the fact of being who or what a person or thing is

Self Love:
1: an appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue
2: proper regard for and attention to one’s own happiness or well-being

Recall three characters or moments in WICKED that display examples of “Identity & Self-Love.” What about these characters or moments displays “Identity & Self-Love” to you?

When in your personal life have you been able to identify moments of “Identity & Self-Love?” What thoughts or feelings did these moments bring up for you?

How do “Identity & Self-Love” show up in your community? What positive effects do “Identity & Self-Love” have in your community? List three ways you can continually encourage “Identity & Self-Love” in your community, home, and personal life.

WICKED’s national partner The Trevor Project has resources for learning more about “Identity & Self-Love.”

Critical Media Project, Learning For Justice, and have resources and tools for learning more about “Identity & Self-Love.”

We encourage you to visit these sites and explore!

“I see ‘Identity & Self-Love’ show up prominently in Elphaba’s Defying Gravity. Elphaba’s realization to trust her instincts while simultaneously shedding an identity long influenced by others is a prime example of stepping into one’s own identity, embracing self-love, and doing what feels right in one’s heart. Up until now Elphaba has been pouring into others, hoping for validation and love in return, but now ‘something has changed within her’ and she begins to explore the notion of self-love and true identity which intrinsically cultivates self-empowerment.”

– Travante Baker, WICKED Company Member

Elphaba Holding Her Broom and Singing Surrounded by Smoke