Asked Questions
Tickets FAQ
Refunds are not granted in the event of cast replacements.
There are no refunds or exchanges. Please contact your point of purchase for further details.
Student rate tickets ($69) may be purchased in-person at the Gershwin Theatre box office with a valid college or university ID. Offer is valid for select Tuesday-Thursday performances during the current month, subject to availability. Limited to 2 tickets per ID.
For the current performance schedule, please check our calendar.
For questions about student groups, please see the Group Sales FAQ below.
Tickets at the military rate ($79) are available in-person on a monthly basis at the Gershwin Theatre box office with a valid military ID for select Tuesday-Thursday performances.
For the current performance schedule, please check our calendar.
Currently, there is no Live Lottery for WICKED
For matinee performances, the digital lottery will open the day before at 10am and close the day before at 4PM. Winners will then be notified and will have 1 hour to purchase the tickets by credit card online. The e-ticket will then be emailed to the winner’s email address.
For evening performances, the digital lottery will open the day before at 8PM and close the day of the performance at 11AM. Winners will then be notified and will have 1 hour to purchase the tickets by credit card online. The e-ticket will then be emailed to the winner’s email address.
Prices as of January 2025 are between $55 and $65, including all fees.
Certain blackout dates apply.
For more information and the next available dats please CLICK HERE as there will not be one for every performance.
We have seats at all price points. The best seats at the best prices will always be available at the box office or through BroadwayDirect – both have the same inventory of tickets. If you buy your tickets in person at the box office you can save the service fees. Please remember that, if you buy tickets through brokers or third party sellers, there will always be higher markups tacked on, with no guarantee of seat location. NEVER buy tickets on the street – they may be counterfeit, and if so, will not be honored at the theatre.
Please be advised that each patron must have a ticket to enter the theatre. The Gershwin Theatre box office cannot print tickets purchased from a third-party website.
Orchestra seats are on the main level of the theatre.
Front Mezzanine seats are at the front of the upper level of the theatre (Rows A-E). On a big spectacular show like WICKED, they provide a great view of the whole production. Be aware that there is a low safety bar in front, which means the front row may not be ideal for short patrons or children.
Mid Mezzanine seats are in the middle of the upper level of the theatre (Rows F-G) – however, there are a limited number of these seats available and they sell out quickly. These also have a great view of the whole production.
Rear Mezzanine seats are in the back of the upper level of the theatre (Rows H-M); however, again, there are a limited number of these seats available, and they also sell out quickly. These also have a great view of the whole production, and are always the most economical choice.
Please note that, within the range of tickets shown, the lower prices are generally on weekday performances (Monday through Thursday and Sunday evenings) and non-holiday weeks. During the summer, the lower prices are generally at matinee performances (Wednesday and Saturday).
Stadium seats are in the back half of the orchestra of the theatre. They are tiered seating (as a sports stadium) and thus these have great sightlines due to the angle of the seating.
Tickets go on sale approximately 6 months before the performance. You will get the best price if you buy in advance – as the performance date approaches and availability tightens, the prices will often go up, so plan ahead if you can.
We encourage guests to purchase tickets in advance to ensure the best seating locations at the best prices; however seats remain on sale until performance time, based on availability.
Please go to our ticket calendar and select the best availability filter to see which performances have best availability.
The show is open-ended. Tickets for future performances generally go on sale 6 months before the performance date.
Tickets now are distributed electronically for entry.
Accessibility FAQ
Although animals are not permitted in the theatre, an exception is made for guide dogs and service animals. Please inform your ticket sales representative if any accommodations are required.
Yes. Wheelchair locations are available in the Orchestra and Mezzanine of the theatre (pending availability). You may purchase one wheelchair and three companion seats per order if available. For guests with limited mobility, there are seats available with folding armrests (“Aisle transfer seats”) in these locations: Orchestra (requires steps): A2, A101, BB1, BB118, E118, K101, N1, N2, N35, N36, Q35, Q36. Mezzanine (requires steps): D2, C118, J33, J34. Mezzanine (no steps): E101, E116. More information can be found HERE
There are designated wheelchair and companion seats in the rear of the Orchestra section on the third floor and the mezzanine section on the fourth floor. These locations are the ONLY ones that do not involve steps. The third and fourth floors are accessible via the main lobby elevator that is designated for guests with disabilities. Theatre representatives are available to meet with patrons with disabilities in the lobby of the building to escort them to designated wheelchair accessible areas via elevators or escalators. The front orchestra level of the theatre is not accessible by elevators and escalators.
Yes. Audien™ Translation System devices are available on the second level of the theatre – currently offered in Japanese, German, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Mandarin and Korean. These headsets provide users with a running synopsis of the show in your preferred language, free of charge.
Reservations of the Audien™ Translation System are highly recommended. To reserve or get more information, please visit www.soundassociates.com.
For a full list of accessibility features visit: theatreaccess.nyc/shows/1617/Wicked.
Yes. Devices are available free-of-charge on the second level of the theater: hand-held captioning devices for people who are deaf or hard of hearing and audio descriptions devices for people who are blind or visually impaired.
The Gershwin Theatre is also equipped with an Induction Loop System for patrons with telecoil equipment. Patrons using a hearing aid simply need to switch their hearing aids to “T” to enjoy direct transmission of the performance audio rather than using a separate device.
For a full list of accessibility features visit: theatreaccess.nyc/shows/1617/Wicked
Please email help@broadwaydirect.com or call 212-586-6510 with any additional questions.
General Inquiries
For information on the current Broadway cast of WICKED, click here.
There are many paid parking lots and garages in and around Times Square area. Please see our Plan Your Trip page for parking lots nearest to the Gershwin Theatre.
ABM Parking Services, which is located directly adjacent to the theatre, offers a discounted rate for WICKED patrons. Please click here for a coupon. Note: You must have a printed coupon to receive the discounted rate. ABM cannot accept a coupon on your mobile device.
The Gershwin Theatre offers soft drinks, water, cocktails and candy 45 minutes before the show and during intermission. Bars are located on the front orchestra and mezzanine levels. Visit the bar before the show to pre-order your intermission drinks! Please note that no food or drinks are allowed into the theater and must be consumed in the lobbies.
After the show, some cast members choose to exit the stage door of the theater. Many of them offer to sign Playbills and take photos. We kindly ask that all who visit cast members at the stage door are respectful and stay behind the security barrier and allow all cast members to engage with other fans as well. We invite you to send a letter to cast members if you would like to get in touch or follow them on social media.
Our cast members love to hear from you, but we cannot guarantee that all letters will receive a response. You may send correspondence to:
[Cast Member Name]
Gershwin Theatre Stage Door
242 West 51st Street
New York, NY 10019
The original Broadway cast recording and show merchandise are available at the theatre in the upper lobby 45 minutes before show time, during intermission, and immediately after the show or may be purchased anytime online at wickedthemusicalstore.com.
If you have lost something while at the theatre, please fill out this lost and found form.
The Gershwin Theatre is located at 222 West 51st Street between Broadway and 8th Avenue.
Click here to view a map.
Please visit our Tickets page for the most up-to-date calendar.
2 hours and 45 minutes, including one 15-minute intermission.
Recommended age for children is 8 and up. The Gershwin Theatre welcomes patrons ages 5 and older. As a courtesy to our guests, children under the age of 5 will not be permitted in the theatre. Please be aware that all patrons, regardless of age, must have a ticket.
There is no specific dress code at the theater. Attire should be comfortable and appropriate for the occasion. Please remember that the theater is air conditioned at a lower temperature than many other indoor activities, so additional attire (such as sweaters) are recommended for those who may get cold. Bathing suits are not permitted in the theater. While costumes are not forbidden, we ask that any costumes that may impede the view (such as tall witches hats) be removed prior to the start of performances.
The seating procedure for latecomers varies by seat section. Generally speaking, late patrons who are seated in the orchestra may be held in the lobby until approximately twenty minutes after the performance begins. They are then escorted directly to their seats by an usher.
Theatre managers and private security personnel are on duty during all performances. There are also metal detectors at the entrance of the theatre. All bags are inspected upon arrival. Luggage, shopping bags and other large packages that will not fit comfortably with you at your seat will not be checked or allowed inside the theatre. For your convenience, please make other arrangements for these items before arriving.
Health and Safety
WICKED and The Gershwin Theatre are following New York State, New York City and CDC guidelines to ensure the safety of all actors, production staff, theatre employees, and audience members. As public health conditions and the State’s guidance for performing arts and live entertainment changes, the theatre will remain flexible and adapt to applicable health protocols, such as face coverings, health screening, enhanced air filtration and ventilation, and rigorous cleaning and disinfection.
As of July 1, 2022, face masks are optional for audience members attending Broadway shows. This policy is determined by the Broadway League and is subject to change.
For the most up-to-date information regarding Covid safety protocols, please refer to bdway.nyc.
Group Sales FAQ
Visit our group sales page to submit a request for group tickets to WICKED.
The group minimum is 15 tickets.
There is special pricing for group tickets. Group prices vary by performance. Please visit our group sales page to see pricing information.
Group tickets are available for performances through January 25, 2026.
For more information on Groups Sales availability, please visit our GROUPS PAGE
Yes. Please visit our Study Guide page to view or download!
Yes, you can rent a headset and get a running synopsis of the show in these 7 languages – French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin, and Korean.
Headsets are free of charge, but it is highly recommended that you reserve for your group ahead of time. To reserve or get more information, please visit www.soundassociates.com.